C Robert Cargill
C. Robert Cargill started out as a film reviewer for one of the internet's first film sites, aintitcool.com, before moving into the world of movies himself, writing films such as Sinister and Dr Strange. Not content with taking the movie world by storm, he has also become a bestselling novelist, and his most recent book, Day Zero, is a prequel to the brilliant Sea of Rust.
We loved chatting with Cargill about his varied career, learning about how he used the access he had as a film reviewer as a crash course in film studies, how a chance meeting with his friend Scott Derrickson in Vegas led to Sinister being pitched, written and green-lit in record time, and why he loves working in both the film and book world. We also talk about learning to accept that a lot of great work you write as a screenwriter may never get made, and discuss when and when not to take advice from others on your work.